datawizard - Easy Data Wrangling and Statistical Transformations
A lightweight package to assist in key steps involved in any data analysis workflow: (1) wrangling the raw data to get it in the needed form, (2) applying preprocessing steps and statistical transformations, and (3) compute statistical summaries of data properties and distributions. It is also the data wrangling backend for packages in 'easystats' ecosystem. References: Patil et al. (2022) <doi:10.21105/joss.04684>.
Last updated 4 days ago
14.71 score 222 stars 119 dependents 436 scripts 125k downloadspolars - Lightning-Fast 'DataFrame' Library
Lightning-fast 'DataFrame' library written in 'Rust'. Convert R data to 'Polars' data and vice versa. Perform fast, lazy, larger-than-memory and optimized data queries. 'Polars' is interoperable with the package 'arrow', as both are based on the 'Apache Arrow' Columnar Format.
Last updated 26 days ago
12.00 score 495 stars 2 dependents 1.0k scripts 14 downloadsaltdoc - Package Documentation Websites with 'Quarto', 'Docsify', 'Docute', or 'MkDocs'
This is a simple and powerful package to create, render, preview, and deploy documentation websites for 'R' packages. It is a lightweight and flexible alternative to 'pkgdown', with support for many documentation generators, including 'Quarto', 'Docute', 'Docsify', and 'MkDocs'.
Last updated 2 months ago
7.88 score 72 stars 3 scripts 3.4k downloads
tidypolars - Get the Power of Polars with the Syntax of the Tidyverse
Polars is a cross-language tool for manipulating very large data. However, one drawback is that the R implementation has a syntax that will look odd to many R users who are not used to Python syntax. The objective of tidypolars is to improve the ease-of-use of Polars in R by providing tidyverse syntax to polars.
Last updated 12 hours ago
7.86 score 198 stars 30 scriptsflir - Find and Fix Lints in R Code
Lints are code patterns that are not optimal because they are inefficient, forget corner cases, or less readable. 'flir' provides a small set of functions to detect those lints and automatically fix them. It builds on 'astgrepr', which itself uses the Rust crate 'ast-grep' to parse and navigate R code.
Last updated 15 days ago
5.74 score 52 stars 1 scriptsastgrepr - Parse and Manipulate R Code
Parsing R code is key to build tools such as linters and stylers. This package provides a binding to the Rust crate 'ast-grep' so that one can parse and explore R code.
Last updated 27 days ago
5.69 score 22 stars 1 dependents 4 scriptsprompter - Add Tooltips in 'Shiny' Apps with 'Hint.css'
In 'Shiny' apps, it is sometimes useful to store information on a particular item in a tooltip. 'Prompter' allows you to easily create such tooltips, using 'Hint.css'.
Last updated 11 months ago
5.51 score 40 stars 1 dependents 54 scripts 605 downloadsconductor - Create Tours in 'Shiny' Apps Using 'Shepherd.js'
Enable the use of 'Shepherd.js' to create tours in 'Shiny' applications.
Last updated 3 years ago
4.59 score 34 stars 23 scripts 261 downloadsshinyfullscreen - Display 'HTML' Elements on Full Screen in 'Shiny' Apps
In 'Shiny' apps, it is sometimes useful to see a plot or a table in full screen. Using 'Shinyfullscreen', you can easily designate the 'HTML' elements that can be displayed on fullscreen and use buttons to trigger the fullscreen view.
Last updated 4 years ago
4.54 score 33 stars 21 scripts 215 downloadsloc - What the Package Does (Title Case)
More about what it does (maybe more than one line) Use four spaces when indenting paragraphs within the Description.
Last updated 9 months ago
3.90 score 5 stars 159 scripts